Abstract Thunderduck Guitars

Abstract Thunderduck Guitars


Patrick Sinegal                                     Pou Piam

  Abstract Thunderduck USA Made Custom Shop Guitars

Abstract Thunderduck USA Hand Made Custom Shop Electric Guitar


Hey Ed & Tommy.

It's Pou Piam from Riverside, CA. I just wanted to say thanks for all your help last summer, and sorry for not getting back to you sooner.

My custom Non-Reverse Firebird (or as you call it, the Abstract Thunderduck) sounds fuckin' brilliant!

With my custom Roman guitar, I made a four song EP called "The 13th Evening" that's now available on iTunes, Amazon, and a bunch of other places.

I wouldn't have been able to get guitar solo sou
nd that I did without my custom guitar. Now it wasn't always a quick (or cheap!) journey, but in the end I've got a killer record and guitar sound that no other 17 year old kid does.

So bottom line, thanks for everything all the time and effort that you put into my guitar really comes through.

Feel free to stick this on the website somewhere so people can see all the glory that is a Roman!
Pou Piam

All Abstract guitars are available with almost any custom modification you could think of. You can choose the wood you want, We carry 44 different types of wood on the premises. You can choose whatever pickups you like, We carry all the major brand names and many boutique brands like Tom Holmes

You can order most models with any headstock on our list or design something yourself. You can choose the hardware and you can design the electronics.  Most models are available in Basses, Doublenecks, Neck Through Body, Bolt On, Headless like a Steinberger, Baritones, Left Handed or whatever your heart desires. 

Abstract Guitars are only slightly more money than production made guitars from other companies, Abstract Guitars are thousands of dollars less than what other companies choose to call custom shop guitars. We offer the Buzz Feiten Tuning System, Direct Coupling


All Abstract guitars are built in the USA and carefully & lovingly set up just before we sell them. All Abstract guitars come with a super stable very fast neck & neck heel.